Another amazing bgsu blog

Our PSA relates to literacy because in the PSA we are focusing on the use of the computer and being on the internet. Our PSA shows a girl being on the internet and typing. This is a literacy because earlier in the class, we talked about the different types of literacy and talked about how technology is an example, with computers. Our PSA also showed literacy because we had to write a script in the process and a storyboard, which are definitely acts of literacy.

Posted by on March 4th, 2009 at 10:35 am

2 thoughts on “PSA and Literacy-3/4

  1. 1
      amsiefk says:

    My group is doing something along those lines as well. We are doing something about older generations and using a computer versus writing letters as they did back in the day. I think that this (as well as your) topic is good because it forces us to recognize how much technology has changed and how dependent we are on it. Looking forward to seeing your final product.

  2. 3
      kmayorn says:

    Your PSA relates to a better way of literacy than ours I think. This is because ours is about texting while being intoxicated. It made the video fun to make and some people are guilty of doing that. Also, i agree that we used many forms of literacy to complete our PSAs by using the computers, video cameras, contacting eachother, etc.

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