Another amazing bgsu blog

1.) How do the actors portray the message?

In this PSA, the actors act in a way that really reaches out to the audience in which the audience really get a feel of the situation. By the student actors walking around talking about girl in the picture, it shows you what could happen if you post pictures on the internet, that anyone can have them.  The girl who is in the picture gives an idea of how you can feel as a result.

2.) What persuasive techniques are used in the video?

The video uses persuasion by actually showing us the negative thoughts and feelings of the situation that would convince the audience not to do what is being shown.

3.) What role does the voiceover play? 

The voice in the PSA verbally tells us what not to do, and gives a clear statement as to the effects that can occur. The voice also serves as a final message that leaves you thinking.

4.) How is text used on the screen? 

The text on the screen is composed of short and simple, but very important words that are on the screen by themselves to show importance.


Posted by on February 26th, 2009 at 4:05 pm

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