Another amazing bgsu blog

Part I:

I think a computer is an important tool in school because it is very cconvenient to have when doing projects or reports. Computers allow us to find information online with just the click of a mouse on the internet. This helps with research papers as well as finding information that may be needed for something else during school. Computers also allow us to produce information in an easier and quicker way such as printing and emailing papers and homework assignments. BUT sometimes computers are not always good to have in school because alot of students get distracted from their work and start surfing the web, like getting onto facebook and myspace instead of doing what they are supposed to. But overall, I think computers are good to have in school.

Part II:

Audience: Your boss—Computers are important because they can help students receive computer training, and learn how to use computers through typing skills, knowing how to the use the internet, and many other skills. This is important for school because they can learn how to do this at an early stage, which means in the future when they go to apply for a job, they can have proper skills needed for a certain job that might involve a computer.

Posted by on February 25th, 2009 at 10:39 am

8 thoughts on “Why a Computer is an Important Tool In School-2/25

  1. 1
      bcottri says:

    Nice job, Kareema! Your audience revision activity demonstrates that you thought about your new audience, your boss, and thought about why he/she would care about this topic. Relating your argument to your reader is really important, and one of the best ways to do this is to think about why your reader would care. As someone in the work force who may be looking to hire future employees, a boss might care about having people enter the work force prepared and ready to use technology. Great work!

  2. 3
      dancomp says:

    I think that you made a good argument to your boss. You brought to his attention that in the future he might have some of the high school students that you are talking about, so he should be concerned about whether or not they are getting educated in different computer skills they might need to do a job.

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