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Description is important, especially when writing because it helps your audience get a better understanding of what it is that you are talking about. When you descibe something, you can get an idea or even an image of what is being talkedĀ  about which better helps you. If using good descriptions, your audience can figure out what it is you are describing, if it is not clear in the beginning. Good descriptions can include colors, shapes, sizes, and many other things. You can use these to describe people, places, objects, and any other things that can be described.

Posted by on February 24th, 2009 at 11:21 pm

One thought on “The Importance of Description-2/13

  1. 1
      bcottri says:

    Great job making up your posts, Kareema. Think about the activity today where we made the grocery list on the board also, I said I needed:

    If I gave you that list and asked you to get my groceries I might end up with something different than I had imagine. Unless I specify that I wanted soy milk, rye bread, and swiss cheese I might not get those specific items. The more detail I put on my list the more likely I am to get my reader to understand exactly what I want.

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