Another amazing bgsu blog

Technology definitely plays a major role in my life. I think technology plays a major role in alot of people’s lives, especially more now in 2009. I use technology everyday, by using my cell phone, my bluetooth, using a computer, and many other things. I see other people around me using technology in the same way that I do. The most that I see being used is people talking or texting on cell phones, as well as using the computer.  Technology has came a long way over the years. Technology allows us to do alot more things with less work than we used to be able to do. Technology allows us to send things to people far from us with the matter of pushing the “send” key. We are also able to share pictures with anyone we want to without having to get pictures developed from a disposable camera, as well as alter these pictures however we want them. These are just a few of the MANY advantages to having new technologies, but technologies have their disadvantages. Not everyone knows how to use new technologies, and in situations where technology is important, that person might not be able to perform certain tasks. Technology can also be troublesome because some of these technologies are not as easy to fix when thing go wrong like they used to be. Technology has an influence on literacy because through technology, we can learn how to understand new things, which can be done through reading or writing.

Posted by on February 24th, 2009 at 11:44 pm

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