Another amazing bgsu blog

1.)Pathos is basically appealing to your audience based on the audience’s interests, feelings and emotions. Pathos also try to look deeper into and change the audience’s emotions and thoughts.

2.)The online advertisement I found that uses pathos is an advertisement for Heineken, promoting sfae and responsible drinking. The advertisement starts with making the visitor of the site eneter their age to proveĀ  that they are old enough. Once that is done, the advertisement shows you different scenarios and situation that happen when people drink too much alcohol and become intoxicated. The advertisement shows situations that no one would want to be in. By doing this the company is trying to get you to feel pity on these intoxicated people so that you wont do the same. Therefore, this advertisement is using pathos because they are getting to the viewers feelings and emotions.


3.)Of the sample narratives, I found the use of Pathos in Alexie’s narrative, “Indian Education”. In this narrative we see pathos being used when Alexie describes how the other Indian boys used to chase him. One of the quotes from the narrative says, “they pushed me down, buried me in the snow unitl I couldn’t breathe, thought I’d never breathe again.” This quote is an example of pathos because the narrator is telling us a story in which he is appealing to us in such a way that we feel sorry for the character, which is therefore affecting our feelings, attitudes, and emotions of the story.

Posted by on February 10th, 2009 at 1:30 pm

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