Another amazing bgsu blog

In no particular preference order:

1. How reading became a major part of my life due to sponsors such as the scholastic book fairs in elementary school, reading programs at the library and my mom.

2. How reading became something I did not like to do because of the requirement of reading boring books for school, in which this case, the sponsors include the teachers who assigned the boring books, as well as the books themselves.

3. The significance of email once I came to college, with teachers, my freshman year roomate, fellow students, and the university being my sponsors.

4. The reading and writing literacies that I perform at work, whose sponsors include managers, co-workers, and customers. 

5. Learning how to type, which has helped alot with school papers, and other important things in my life. The sponsors for this are computer teachers in middle school as well as my mom.

Posted by on February 5th, 2009 at 1:29 pm

2 thoughts on “Topics for Litercay Narrative-2/6

  1. 1
      jross says:

    Wuz good reemy! Or is it remy? lol Anyways… I like ya choice for topic # 3. I think the significance of technology as a whole has increased since entering college. I think email is a good start but you should include things such as blackboard, the libraries’ databases, etc… Good work though! Good look on your narrative.

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