Another amazing bgsu blog

1. From this class I expect to learn more about the real meaning of literacy and help apply that to my writing skills. I also want to improve my writing skills and learn how the term literacy is so important.

2. I understand the term litercay as having alot of knowledge about certain subjects and areas of study and being able to understand and read and write about it.

3. We write in order to express our thoughts and feelings. We also write to share those thoughts and feelings with other people, or keep private. We also write in order to teach others.

Posted by on January 14th, 2009 at 11:00 am

2 thoughts on “Literacy-1/14

  1. 1
      bcottri says:

    Nice work. You seem to have answered the questions honestly. I think that your answer to the question about your expectations for this class are a good indicator this early on of what you are expecting. You’re right, we’ll talk a lot about literacy, why it’s important, and also how we function within various literate spaces.

    You raise some good points in your response to the third question about why we write. To teach, or to inform, is a point that is important and few people brought up.

    Great work!

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