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For my visual narrative i will more than likely be doing a powerpoint presentaiton or using windows movie maker. I am still deciding between doing my narative on literacies at the workplace, or the literacies that i experience throughout my normal week. If I do literacies throughout my normal week, I will include pictures of […]

Posted at: January 30th, 2009 - 10:39 am - Number of Comments » 5

How do publishers and writers determine what documents should be copyrighted as no rights reserve, all rights reserve or some rights reserve?

Posted at: January 27th, 2009 - 12:59 pm - Number of Comments » 3

Based off the examples, I think what makes a good visual narrative is a narrative that gives us a clear idea of what message the presenter is trying to give us. The narrative shows us what types of literacies the presenter possesses and how they go about it. A good visual narrative has the proper visual that helps […]

Posted at: January 26th, 2009 - 10:37 am - Number of Comments » 0

I think i perform many literacy acts in a week. The obvious would probably be reading and writing as homeork assignments for classes. I also think that when I am checking and sending emails i am also performing literacy acts. Outside of the usual reading and writing, i also think that i am perfoming literacy […]

Posted at: January 23rd, 2009 - 2:06 pm - Number of Comments » 0

I believe we use visuals in order to help our audience understand more clearly what it is that we are trying to tell them about, as well as give a picture to help with a better idea. I think visuals have a very important role in communication because sometimes everyone doesnt always understand what someone […]

Posted at: January 23rd, 2009 - 10:43 am - Number of Comments » 0

1. From this class I expect to learn more about the real meaning of literacy and help apply that to my writing skills. I also want to improve my writing skills and learn how the term literacy is so important. 2. I understand the term litercay as having alot of knowledge about certain subjects and […]

Posted at: January 14th, 2009 - 11:00 am - Number of Comments » 2