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Archive for September, 2009

What I liked most about my essay

• September 16, 2009

I like that my essay had a topic that I enjoy writing about. Gathering ideas was not nearly as hard as it usually is. If I had more time, I would have expanded my ideas on some of the subtopics in the body paragraphs.

Order of Essay

• September 16, 2009

I decided not to change the order of anything in my essay.

Prewriting Strategies

• September 16, 2009

The strategies I used were the Freewritings and the List of Main Ideas. Freewriting allowed me to just write down the ideas in my head even though I didn’t know how to organize them yet. The list of main ideas finally allowed me to pieced my thoughts and ideas together.

Essay Topic

• September 16, 2009

My essay will be about a Harry Potter group called the Society for People’s Enthusiasm for Wizardry (S.P.E.W.).

If I Could Fly or Be Invisible

• September 16, 2009

If I could fly or be invisible,  I would choose to be invisible because it would allow me to sneak into my favorite concerts.

What I’ve learned and what I will focus on

• September 8, 2009

I have learned that my paper needs to address more counterarguments and that I need to find more support and evidence to back up the counterarguments. I will focus on finding ways to provide more counterarguments and developing a strong conclusion.