9/18 Reader Response

I am going to write about the second prompt.  The second prompt involves whether or not parents should have access to their child web accounts on places like Facebook and Myspace.  I choose this prompt because it is the only one I feel strongly enough about to write about.  I will write about this because I think it is a fairly controversial issue amongst parents and their kids.  Many kids are against their parents having access to their web accounts because they feel it is an invasion of privacy, but in actuality the internet is a much more public place than many kids realize.  I will be arguing the position that parents have a right to have access to their child’s web accounts.  I will be arguing this because I think that a parent having access to their kids web accounts could lead to a much more open communication amongst a kid and their parents.  I am choosing this position because I think their are many more positive aspects to a parent having access to their kids web accounts than a parent not having access. I also wanted to argue the opposite of what I would like my parents to do, since my parents do not monitor my web accounts.    Since I think that it will be a greater challenge for me to argue something that goes against what my parents do, since I would not like my parents to have access to my web accounts.  I think they when a child or teenager is having problems he or she will be more likely to talk to their parents about if their parents have access to their web accounts.

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