9/16 Reader Response

The Frontline video “Growing up Online”  represents an arguing a position because it effectively presents both sides of an argument.  The video presents students, parents and teachers opinions on the internet, and social network sites, such as Facebook and Myspace.  The video also used statistics like 90% of teenagers are online.  The video presented both the positive and negative aspects of growing up online.  The positive aspects included an easy access to information, and communication with friends.  While the negative aspects presented include teenagers being sexually solicited online.   The video presented its side of the argument by showing the many dangers of the kids growing up on the internet.   The video also showed the concern of parents and teacher of kids growing up online. It also showed how teenagers viewed the internet as a private place even though the reality is that it is very public.   The video clearly presented both sides of a argument while supporting one side.

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