
Types of support:

Anecdotal Evidence

Telling a story


Authoritative Sources

Personal Experience


Using different types of support in an argument can help make a position in the argument clear.  Using support can help back up an argument with evidence supporting a position.  Support is always needed when someone is trying to effectively present their side of the argument.  Using statistics will provide evidence to support and argument.  Statistics as long as they are from a good and honest source can also not be argued against.  Statistics also show that the person arguing something know what he or she is talking about, and actually has something to base their opinion of off.

Using a story or an anecdote will help support an argument by presenting a reason why someone would be for or against something in an argument.  A story can also help the opposition in the argument better understand the other side.  Personal experience is also great to use in an argument because it can show how someone has come to believe what he or she believes.  Another type of support is authoritative sources.  Using an authority in an argument the argument has support from others.  Also someone who is an authority on a certain subject knows what he or she is talking about when it comes to a certain subject.

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