August, 2009

8/28 Homework.

  • All of the essays explain how overcoming difficulties in life have helped them develop their own beliefs. For example Jackie Robinson overcame racism in baseball by being the first African American baseball player, and Helen Keller became was able  convey here thoughts and speak despite being blind and deaf.
  • Another similarity is that all of the essays say that their is always a hope in the world even in the darkest situations. For example Eve Birch’s went from having almost nothing to having a house big enough to take in a handful of people.
  • Another similarity is faith in something, whether its is God or the human spirit, or in Isabel Allende’s case in her love for others. They all seem to have something that keeps them going.


I would explain to someone the goals of a This I Believe essay to someone unfamiliar with the concept by explaining how someone’s experiences in life help shape their view on the world.  I would explain how not only good but also bad experiences help shape someone’s view on the world.  I would explain how the reader of a This I Believe article may be influenced or inspired by the article, and then make the right choice in their life. I would tell them how people are often influenced by the choices and experiences of others. I would also explain how the concept of a This I Believe article is to influence other to make the right choices in life.

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I believe writing is important  because it allows someone to express their beliefs and values in a written from that others can look at.  Writing allows others to see your beliefs.

Writing is important because it can help someone to write down and organize their thoughts in a way that others can understand.  Writing can also help someone organize their thoughts.  Writing is also helps you to persuade others.

I would convince my 10 year old child that writing is important., by showing him the great stories that have been through writing. I would tell him or her that writing allows you to share your imagination with others.