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9/25 reader response

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

-plagiarism in its many forms are against the policy and can result in various penalties up to expulsion

-forgery is against the academic honesty policy

-cannot threaten or bribe anyone

-anyone that takes part in an act that is academically dishonest can be punished

any forms of cheating on assignments are forbidden

-Violation of the academic honesty policy can result in failure of the class up to expulsion from the university

9/18 Reader Response

Monday, September 21st, 2009

For my essay i decided to choose the third prompt.  I chose this video because i was honestly appalled at the fact that there are sites turning anorrexia into deity and also by websites that are to help you kill yourself. The site that showed the step by stp method to hang ones self just amazed that it is allowed to be posted.  I plan on arguing that there should be legislature to limit things that people can post on the internet. Now of course the internet is world wide so this would honestly have to be international legislature to accomadate this. The examples from the video of the anorexia sites and the suicide how to sites i plan on using to support my argument. I will probably also find at least one more site that i can use for support of my argument. I plan also addressing counter arguments such as a major one the first amendment. another counter argument i can address i mentioned earlier and that is the world wide aspect of the internet and while we can have that kind of legislature in america we cant control directly other countries hence it will require some sort of international law committee to accomplish this goal

9/16 reader response

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

The video represents an arguing a position because of many reasons

It clearly states the subject of kids on line

it sets its position on the subject early on specifically that kids spend to much time connected and that this can be dangerous

it provides multiple examples to support the position such as kids posting photographs that can be considered to border obscenity behind parents back, parents not knowing what the kids could be talking about to whom and online sexual predators and stalkers

it also provides some counterarguments the one that i remember most is by using actual statistics for the number of kids sexually solicited and a survey that showed kids know what they need to look for to detect a potential predator

So far the movie is doing a great job of being an argumentative piece on the subject all the major elements are so far present.

Blog in class 9/9/09

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I am going to use the revision strategy of writing a paragraph that explains what the essay is about for a 10 year old. This strategy will allow me to make sure that the essay is on topic and that the topic is clear because it needs to be accurate to the paragraph for a 10 year old which will of course be an extreme simplification of the essay. If the paragraph is an accurate description of my essay it will let me know me that my essay is on task for what it must be according to the assignment and what i want to write.

9/4 Reader Response

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

well i suppose my over all plan for revising is pretty simple really. I think that first i am going to read all of the feedback i receive on it from Brittany and from the peer review in class. I want to make sure that i really take all of that into consideration in the revising process because i think that will be a great source of info as to were my paper needs work and parts that are fine as they are. The next part is probably going to be reading through my paper a few times myself making notes for things that i feel need to stay or go or if something needs work.  I think that the most important part for the editing process for me will be to keep my first draft seperate from any revised drafts. While i know that word has tools that allow for revising i personally will more than likely just copy and past my first draft into a new window and save it of course under a different name. Due to my skills at navigating easily with a keybaord this will be a simple and effective way to be able to compare my first draft to my current revised draft. I think that this should be a good process for me to revise but of course if i feel that any help is needed i will take advantage of one of the many resources we have at our disposal.

8/28 Reader Response “This I Believe”

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

They were all first person

They all were about the authors personal beliefs  Isabel Allende that giving is what makes life fulfilling

They all mentioned some form of life experience jackie robinsonseeing baclk and white people together at a baseball game

They were all fairly short

Based on the reading It appears that the i beleive essays are supposed to be about one’s own personal beliefs. That is why they are in the first person perspective. It also appears that personal experience to help explain the belief that one is writing about is also important to them. The goal of the essay i feel is to explain some important part of what you believe to others using personal life experience to support and reinforce those beliefs.

08/28/09 Audience Activity

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important because it is a major method of communication and it is also important because very few career paths do not involve writing in some form. It also helps develop critical thinking skills.

Writing is important because it can help us in many different ways. It will be a major skill to have for our college careers and beyond.

Well Skippy i realize you do not like writing but it is important because as you get older it will be neccesary skill for you. You will need to be able to write to be able to get through highschool and than college so that way you can become an astronaut and got to jupiter, or maybe jupiters moons.

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