9/4 Reader Response

well i suppose my over all plan for revising is pretty simple really. I think that first i am going to read all of the feedback i receive on it from Brittany and from the peer review in class. I want to make sure that i really take all of that into consideration in the revising process because i think that will be a great source of info as to were my paper needs work and parts that are fine as they are. The next part is probably going to be reading through my paper a few times myself making notes for things that i feel need to stay or go or if something needs work.  I think that the most important part for the editing process for me will be to keep my first draft seperate from any revised drafts. While i know that word has tools that allow for revising i personally will more than likely just copy and past my first draft into a new window and save it of course under a different name. Due to my skills at navigating easily with a keybaord this will be a simple and effective way to be able to compare my first draft to my current revised draft. I think that this should be a good process for me to revise but of course if i feel that any help is needed i will take advantage of one of the many resources we have at our disposal.

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