Archive for August, 2009

8/28 Reader Response “This I Believe”

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

They were all first person

They all were about the authors personal beliefs  Isabel Allende that giving is what makes life fulfilling

They all mentioned some form of life experience jackie robinsonseeing baclk and white people together at a baseball game

They were all fairly short

Based on the reading It appears that the i beleive essays are supposed to be about one’s own personal beliefs. That is why they are in the first person perspective. It also appears that personal experience to help explain the belief that one is writing about is also important to them. The goal of the essay i feel is to explain some important part of what you believe to others using personal life experience to support and reinforce those beliefs.

08/28/09 Audience Activity

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important because it is a major method of communication and it is also important because very few career paths do not involve writing in some form. It also helps develop critical thinking skills.

Writing is important because it can help us in many different ways. It will be a major skill to have for our college careers and beyond.

Well Skippy i realize you do not like writing but it is important because as you get older it will be neccesary skill for you. You will need to be able to write to be able to get through highschool and than college so that way you can become an astronaut and got to jupiter, or maybe jupiters moons.

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