4 thoughts on “My Final Thoughts

  1. Carly Toepfer
    3:56 pm - 8-4-2011

    I agree, I think it is really important to celebrate how far we’ve come, but also realize what we still need to do to be seen as equals in all areas, including the arts, as Nochlin says.

  2. rdeanr
    5:48 pm - 8-4-2011

    What Nochlin really calls our attention to is how the connection between art and activism is ongoing and how deeply tied to one another they are. Without the inspirational power of art SO much change would fall by the wayside, I think. Since you’re really into Lady Gaga it might be interesting for you to look into ACTUP! and the ways they used art and performance to combat AIDS ignorance in the 1980s. It seems in some ways a precursor to some of Gaga’s work (although she’s her own monster, for sure!)

  3. juliau
    8:47 am - 8-5-2011


    I think you put a name to what I was really trying to encompass. The idea of activism- whatever the way in which you do it- is key to any real change being accomplished.

    I will definitely look into ACTUP! Thank you for the recommendation. I enjoyed taking your class and feel like I have an even more informed outlook on women in the arts. Never a bad thing! I hope you have a wonderful rest of Summer!

  4. sheli
    9:52 pm - 8-5-2011

    I love this blog post! First off, YES! Putting feminist art into a “box” or “sub-category”. . .I feel is extremely degrading and unfair. Furthermore, I definitely feel like women NEED to continue to stand up for each other and themselves, and continue to strive for overall equality, not just in terms of art.

    From one feminist to another! 🙂

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