
Millions of bits of information are collected and stored in files by the Federal Government. This information includes divorce papers, mortgage documents and banking history, as well as criminal arrest records. You are a reporter for the BG News and you hear rumors that a professor has sexually assaulted one of his students. You also […]

Situation: Imagine you are a reporter for a television broadcasting station and in need of a story. You find out at a local fair an entertainer is going to perform an outstanding act that last only 15 seconds. You decide to attend the fair with a small video camera. As your walking around the fair […]

1. Situation Imagine you are a reporter for a little time paper and are in need of a story.  You have a tip that a local business is participating in some shady business.  As a reporter looking to report the truth you decide to turn in a resume with enhanced information.  This allows you to […]

1. Situation  Have you ever said one thing but others decode it differently? Words are powerful by the way we arrange them in speech and on paper. A single word can change a whole idea. For instance, what if you published a story and used the word her rather than the word Susan? The word […]

1. Situation:             In December of 1965, 16 year old John F. Tinker, 13 year old Mary Beth Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt met inside of the Eckhardt home with their parents and other petitioners who were upset with the excessive violence happening in the Vietnam War.  In protest, everyone inside the home that night decided […]

1. Situation The United States has been engaged in war in the Middle East for years now. A political group is making an Internet campaign through social media to tell Americans not to support the government and to oppose U.S. involvement in the Middle East. Part of the campaign is directed to convincing Americans not […]

Oba Chandler Angels and Demons is a popular feature news story by Thomas French. The story is centered on the murder of three women who went on vacation in Florida in June of 1989. After a long police investigation, Oba Chandler was convicted of the murders and is currently on death row. All three women […]

Will the United States prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for espionage? Here is an interesting article analyzing the legal issues. As the MSNBC article put it: If the United States seeks to put on trial WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, what are the implications for freedom of speech, for protection of government secrets and […]

In class, we discussed the documentary movie, The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. If you can, watch the movie. (It’s an instant download on Netflix, and the BGSU library has it too.) Then consider these questions. The Most Dangerous Man in America Questions to Consider HERO OR TRAITOR? Although […]

Have you heard about the new Missouri law that bans teachers from contacting students via Facebook or other social media sites? According to a Fox News story from Aug. 2: A controversial new law in Missouri designed to protect students from sexual misconduct bans direct contact between educators and students on social networking websites, but […]

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