By Week

1. Situation For most American artists, their art is expressed through their feelings and emotions, even if the final product is indecent. Therefore, creative expression is the central idea of how artists communicate their vision to the audience. Think about all of the artists that need funding for programs, workshops, and most importantly to support […]

1. Facts of the Case   FCC v. Pacifica Foundation (1978)   One day, a father was driving home with his son in the car, when they hear George Carlin’s “Filthy Words” being broadcasted. The father issued a complaint to the FCC, who forwarded that complaint to the Pacific Foundation, which was broadcasting Carlin’s […]

Facts: In Ashcroft v. ACLU (2004), the American Civil Liberties union challenged Congress’ Child Online Protection Act (COPA). COPA was aimed at protection minors from seeing sexually explicit online materials. COPA was created as a result of the Communications Decency Act being found unconstitutional on the grounds of being overbroad and too restrictive (in Reno […]

Richmond Newspapers v. Virginia (1980) To see all the details go here: Facts of Case: The Richmond Newspapers (Appellant), wanted to have a judicial order of a criminal trial to all of the press and the public (Virginia) overturned and said it would be a violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment guarantees both […]

HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION Suppose there was a man accused of killing his wife but really was innocent. However, the media covered the trial and dug up negative things from this man’s past that swayed everyone to believe that he really was guilty. At the end of the trial, this innocent man was found guilty from being […]

 A hypothetical situation  Imagine spending almost six months in jail away from family, friends and loved ones, as punishment for reporting and refusing to give your information to the government. Now see this as a choice, something that you intentionally decide to do in order to uphold a specific right of people all over the […]

Title For Your Eyes Only 1. Situation You’ve been into magic and entertaining all your life in fact you enoy it so muchh that you want to make a career of it. You find out ther is going to be a major convention where professional magicians from all over the world will be coming to Bowling […]

Food Lion, Inc. v. Capital Cities/ABC Facts of Case: Producers at ABC were tipped off about possible unsanitary meat packing practices taking place at Food Lion. The producers decided to go under cover to investigate the claims. Two reporters applied for jobs with false identities, resumes, and addresses. They left out that they worked for […]

Time, Inc. v. Firestone (1976) Facts of Case: Mary Firestone was married to Russel Firestone, heir to the Firestone tire company fortune. Mary filed for divorce, with her husband filing a counterclaim against for for “extreme cruelty and adultery.” Time published the results of the case in it’s magazine as well as a statement from […]

1. Situation  Have you ever said one thing but others decode it differently? Words are powerful by the way we arrange them in speech and on paper. A single word can change a whole idea. For instance, what if you published a story and used the word her rather than the word Susan? The word […]

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