1. Situation

There is a broadcasting station and they are unhappy because of all the local broadcasting stations it had to offer. They look at all the regulations and the Cable Act and decide that over time they will just cut off a few local channels at a time. Then in a few years they will be purely cable broadcasting with no local channels included. They think this would fly, but would it?

Legal Background

The case that fits most of this discussion topic would have to be Turner Broadcasting v. FCC. This case pretty much made it a law that the broadcasting companies have to provide local broadcasting channels. The Court upheld the must-carry rules, saying they are content neutral, further a substantial government interest that is not related to suppressing speech and are no more restrictive than necessary.

The Court applied the First Amendment test it uses for print media: If the regulation affects speech because of its content, apply strict scrutiny; if the regulation is content neutral, apply an intermediate standard.   


Why was this even a big deal?

Do you think this was the right ruling?

Any cases recently that have dealt with this issue? or is this an issue of the past?