1. Facts

This trial took place from February of 1972 till it was decided on June 29,1972. The facts of this case as listed on http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/Branzburg.html are that reporter Paul Branzburg witnessed the making and distributing of marijuana in Louisville, Kentucky of which he reported for the Courier-Journal. He used these unnamed sources in his articles promising them that he would keep their names anonymous. When the local authorities were made aware of this illegal activity the case was sent to a grand jury and they subpoenaed Branzburg in hopes that he would reveal his sources.

2. Legal Issue

The issue in this case is whether having newsmen testify in the court of law abridges the freedom of speech and press rights guaranteed in the first amendment. The court states that average citizen is not free to skip out on grand jury subpoenas and there is no legal issue that allows members of the press to do the same. The reporters argue that by forcing them to reveal their sources will hamper them as journalists by deterring potential future sources from giving them information under fear of their names being disclosed.

3. The Decision

The Supreme court ruled 5-4 against the existence of the free press clause in the constitution in allowing a member of the press to avoid subpoena based on his general reporting privileges. In regards to the claim that it will damage the way newsgathering is conducted in the future, the supreme court stated that for years the press has operated without any constitutional protection for its informants and has “flourished.”

4. The Analysis

The court in this case looked at whether the press was being hindered there rights of the First amendment that give them a freedom of speech and press. But in this case being that the story this reporter was writing was about illegal activity this information if kept anonymous a threat to the public. In regards to the claim that it will damage the way newsgathering is conducted in the future, the supreme court stated that for years the press has operated without any constitutional protection for its informants and has “flourished.”

5. Questions

1. Does the reporter have the right to keep his sources anonymous?

2. Why did the court feel that Branzburg should have to testify in court?

3. Does this ruling have an effect on how journalists gather their news?