Monday, September 19th, 2011

DISCUSSION CASE Title: LEVESQUE VS.DOOCY   1.THE SITUATION: As we know freedom of the press is given to us in the first amendment, but we follow a code of ethics so that we uphold certain values. Say a reporter writes a story and include legitimate quotations from you and then  a third party comes along […]

Food Lion, Inc. v. Capital Cities/ABC Facts of Case: Producers at ABC were tipped off about possible unsanitary meat packing practices taking place at Food Lion. The producers decided to go under cover to investigate the claims. Two reporters applied for jobs with false identities, resumes, and addresses. They left out that they worked for […]

1. Facts of Case: A national magazine publication, American Opinion, published a story concerning the 1968 shooting of a Chicago youth by a Chicago police officer. The officer was found guilty of second-degree murder by the Illinois state court and a civil suit was later brought on the officer by the victim’s family. Hired as […]