August 29, 2011
Hi, my name is Alesha Gailhouse. I am a public relations major, with a Spanish minor. My passion is singing opera, playing the violin and public speaking. So, someday I hope to own a public relations firm in Spain, while singing opera and playing the violin. Just kidding. I do want to own a PR firm or a non-profit agency and possibly teach public speaking classes.
Right now, I am learning as much as I possibly can about public relations this semester before I study abroad in Madrid, Spain! Que emocionada, no? This summer I interned with Sunshine, a non-profit organization helping people who have developmental disabilities and their families. I learned so much, not only about writing, but also about design. I found out that I love design, and any public relations job or firm that I become a part of, must be design-oriented. This fall I will continue with Sunshine, mainly working on an large project for the holidays…details to come. I also maintain another blog, Vegan Living. Check it out, if you want to learn more about what it truly is to be vegan
This semester I am the coordinator for The Way Campus Fellowships, an on-campus non-denominational Bible study. (Another long-term goal is to become a minister.) I have been involved with Student Run Firm for PRSSA, and learned a great deal about helping clients reach their public relation/ marketing goals. I always look for opportunities to learn something new about anything! My philosphy for life is to keep a positive outlook and take every opportunity to grow and improve. Any questions, just ask. Peace and later days.