My name is Sarah Bailey. I’m a junior and print journalism major, hoping to one day write for a magazine.

I’m originally from Loveland, OH, and this summer I interned at the Cincinnati Enquirer. During my internship, I was able to write a couple local news stories and some feature pieces for Our Town Magazine. It was a great experience and a good start to my career as a journalist.

While at BGSU, I have worked for the BG News and the Key Magazine on campus.  I am involved in St. Thomas More University Parish, and have written for their newsletter last semester. I just got confirmed into the Catholic Church this past Easter, which was a great experience.

I’m also a member of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, where I served as VP Communications at the end of my freshman year and beginning of my sophomore year, where I was able to write submissions to our national magazine.

When it comes to social media, I have experience with Facebook and Twitter. I have had a Facebook page since freshman year of high school. I use it to stay in touch with friends and family, and to share photos with my friends.  I just recently joined the Twitter fad. I enjoy following multiple news sources, celebrities, and seeing the latest news trends.