Hola, bonjour, guten tag, aloha, shalom, and hello! My name’s Kelsey and most people call me Kelsey. No interesting nicknames here. (Aside from the occasional “Butthead” from my older brother.) I’m a junior women’s studies major here at BGSU, with minors in sociology and journalism. I’m from the Massillon, Ohio area. I have experience in a number of odd jobs, the most interesting of which is teaching music. Currently, I’m employed as a writing tutor at the BGSU Learning Commons.

I came to BGSU in Fall 2009 as a journalism major intending to go into print journalism. I was the editor ofmy high school newspaper as a senior and enjoyed it, so I figured I would give journalism a shot. In Spring of 2010, however, I found my true calling. I had needed to fill some extra credit hours after dropping a Spanish class (that’s a rather dramatic story) and Intro to Women’s Studies was just about the only open class the fit my schedule. At this point, all I knew about women’s studies is that it had something to do with hairy armpits and burning bras. I was up for playing with fire as much as the next girl, so I dove in. Obviously, I did not find what I expected. Almost immediately, I knew that I had discovered where I wanted to be. Never had I been more interested in or more moved by a class. The next semester I declared my major in women’s studies and have not looked back since.

What does one do with a women’s studies degree, you may ask? That’s a good question. Ideally, I want to become a sexologist. The field of sexology (yes, that’s a real word) encompasses the realms of sex therapy, sex education, and sex research. I want to go into community-based sex education programs for teens and young adults as well as people with disabilities. I would also like to work with victims of interpersonal violence. I plan to undergo training to become a volunteer sexual assault victim advocate.

Outside of the academic world, I can often be found haunting Finder’s Records downtown, Grounds for Thought coffee shop or Hobby Lobby, walking around barefoot, or cheering on my two favorite sports teams: BGSU hockey and the Pittsburgh Penguins.