Author Archives: lingfang

Humane Studies Fellowships

Humane Studies Fellowships are awarded to graduate students and outstanding undergraduates planning academic careers with liberty-advancing research interests.

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HIS Journalism Intern Program

The IHS Journalism Internship Program places aspiring journalists who support liberty at media companies and non-profit investigative newsrooms. Talented writers and communicators have the opportunity to learn or improve their journalism skills and expand their professional network. Opportunities are offered year-round, during the spring, summer, and fall.

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Denver Post Internships

Interns work in several parts of the newsroom – as news or features reporters, online producers, photographers,

graphic artists or designers. Denver Post interns are paid about $480 per week.

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College Football Bloggers Wanted

Blog about BGSU Falcons for Sports web site Continue reading

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Creative Videographer needed for is looking for someone to make the short videos (short features on events/businesses/etc of Toledo). Continue reading

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Pulliam Summer 2011 Fellowships at Gannett Newspapers

The Indianapolis Star and The Arizona Republic, Gannett Co. newspapers, are seeking college students and new graduates with a talent for reporting, news design and graphics, or photojournalism for an exciting and demanding journalism fellowship program during Summer 2011.

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