Bloguin Seeks Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Browns Bloggers

We are currently looking for writers for two positions, to blog about the Cleveland Browns and the Cleveland Indians, and I wondered if any of your students might be interested. This will be an excellent opportunity for someone who would love to blog about their favorite team while gaining practical experience, developing their craft as a writer and creating a body of work.

The ideal candidates will have good writing skills and will write regularly and with fresh content year round, including the offseason. Writing/blogging experience is preferred but we are willing to accept the right person who has a vision for a great blog and demonstrates the ability and desire to accomplish that goal.

Interested students may apply by sending a sample article to me by email. The sample should be included in-text within the email rather than as an attachment. The sample article may be about anything related to the team, such as a recap of a previous game, an outlook on a particular player or position group, a take on current events, etc. Links to existing articles from a personal blog or other source may be used in lieu of a writing sample.

Here are some frequently asked questions and here is more information about us. To see what some of our blogs look like, here are a few of our NFL blogs you might want to check out.

Redskins Hog Heaven
18 to 88
Thoughts From the Dark Side
Seahawk Addicts
Total Titans

All of the pages and sites hyperlinked above, as well as our entire blog roster, can also be directly accessed from our home page at

Please feel free to contact me if you or your students have any questions. Thank you for your assistance in making your students aware of this opportunity.


Andrew Strickert
NFL Recruitment Manager

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