Jan 14 2009


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Jonathan James Craciun.  That’s my name, don’t wear it out.  Heyyyyyyyyy.  I’m like the fonz almost..  Ok all jokes aside.  I’m a 21 years old male that attends Bowling Green University.  My ethinicty is 25% Romanian, 25% Italian, and the rest Euro-Mutt.. I live with 3 of my friends in an apartment, good times i must say.  The things i enjoy most in life are Music, Family, Friends, and Weight Lifting.  I am 6’4, and i do not know my own weight right now, because i haven’t weighed myself in a couple months.  I’ve been listening to the same couple of genres of music for a long time now and i think i’m going to be listening to them till the day i die.

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