Apr 24 2009

blog post FINALE!

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I think that the blog usage in an English class was an interesting idea.  I think that with more experience using blogs in a classroom it could have panned out better.  What i am saying is that the general idea is good, and is definitely something that could productively be used in a class, but the grading and way the teacher recieves the blogs should be done differently.  For instance, earlier in the year when i posted a comment on a person’s blog, and the teacher said she never recieved the notification that i did, and i had to search throughout everyone’s blogs to find where i posted it.  Overall though i think blogs is a great way to get students writing more, and more interested in the class.  Class seems less monotonous when you have new blogs everyday to write, and having a few just about your personal life (like how our teacher did after spring break) is a good idea to keep students interested.

2 responses so far

2 thoughts on “blog post FINALE!

  1.   Miaon 24 Apr 2009 at 9:39 am

    I can’t relate to your frustrations, but I do agree that blogging was interesting. There were days that I dreaded blogs, but overall it was a good experience.

  2.   Brittanyon 08 May 2009 at 9:17 am


    I know you may not check this comment now that the class has ended, but I agree that the comments were a problem when it came to grading. I think if I use these in the future I will do something different to create the interaction that the comments are meant to do. Thanks for your thoughts!

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