Apr 08 2009

RESUME / COVER peer review blog

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What was the general opinion about my cover letter and resume is that the cover letter was well-formed and good, while the resume is not completed.  By monday i will complete the resume, and spice up the cover letter, which will end this assignment.  I need to spend some more time on the resume, and maybe even call up my parents to get some dates that I forget.  Overall it was a productive peer review, although very confusing at first.  I think maybe it should have been explained better before we started handing papers around.

One response so far

One thought on “RESUME / COVER peer review blog

  1.   kareemwon 10 Apr 2009 at 9:38 am

    Sounds like you have a good plan on fixing up your resume and cover letter. I think it’s a really good idea that you might call your parents to get dates. I never thought about dates, and how important they are. I think reading your blog gave me an idea for improving my own resume. But everything sounds good!

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