Mar 25 2009

March 25th blog

Published by under Uncategorized

My questions are, what are the rhetorical appeals we are suppose to address? are those the ethos pathos things?  Secondly, if this has to be 3/5 pages and my PSA is only 50 seconds long, i don’t know how i’m going to come up with enough information for all of that.

One response so far

One thought on “March 25th blog

  1.   Brittanyon 25 Mar 2009 at 1:23 pm


    You don’t have to talk about the rhetorical appeals necessarily (which are ethos, logos, and pathos). You can choose to talk about the way the PSA appeals to the audience, the way the PSA visually represents the problem (or a solution), the was the PSA uses text, sound, silence, music, etc. to help convey its meaning. You could, of course, also talk about why/how the PSA creators create/use ethos, logos, and pathos to make their point.

    As for length, I think you’ll be okay. I will be putting some points up on Blackboard later today to help people make sure they’re covering enough information in their PSAs because lots of people are worried about length.

    I hope this helped. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

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