Mar 18 2009

3.18 Blog

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My Culture at the Crossroads starts off with showing evidence of where the article actually is and who wrote it.  It then goes into the views of author and how he sees his culture changing.  The concluding sentence of the introduction is the thesis where it state’s the author’s main issue.

  • I think that in my introduction i should show evidence and credibility to what i’m talking about
  • Give a short overview of what the writing is about
  • Give a thesis statement as to what i’m trying to express
  • And somehow lead the introduction into the rest of the paper, which can be done with the thesis itself.

One response so far

One thought on “3.18 Blog

  1.   Mia Deniseon 20 Mar 2009 at 10:15 am

    I think that the criteria that you have established for the introduction of your paper would benefit your rhetorical analysis. The things that you listed are all important and necessary parts of an introduction. Good job 🙂

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