Mar 02 2009

PSA Reflection

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We have not recorded our video yet so there is not that much to talk about.  As a group we did decide that one of the storyboards was the best.  Although we all had similiar ideas about what we wanted to do, so picking one was really not that hard.  I’m excited to record the video tomorrow because it is a fun and interesting PSA and i do not know how it is really going to turn out.  My group members are awesome, and i hope i can help them out a lot more in the creative process.

One response so far

One thought on “PSA Reflection

  1.   alanajon 02 Mar 2009 at 10:38 am

    Being excited about your PSA’s topic and liking your group members will really show in your final project. I’m interested in seeing what your group comes up with!

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