Archive for March, 2009

Mar 30 2009


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To revise something is to go over it, and fix it, change it, take out parts, or add in parts.  Revision is an essential part of writing papers, especially at a collegiate level, because getting a paper completely right when you first type it is very rare.  Without revision a lot of the papers that people […]

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Mar 27 2009

Blog 3/27

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My peer review went pretty well.  I did not have much of the essay completed but Mia is a very good reviewer and gave me some good ideas to think about while i began writing the rest of it.  In class i will be working on completely finishing the essay, making sure that there are […]

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Mar 25 2009

March 25th blog

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My questions are, what are the rhetorical appeals we are suppose to address? are those the ethos pathos things?  Secondly, if this has to be 3/5 pages and my PSA is only 50 seconds long, i don’t know how i’m going to come up with enough information for all of that.

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Mar 18 2009

rhetorical analysis PSA

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Embedding is disabled by request but here is the URL I want to use this PSA because it made me chuckle, as well as it is somewhat relevant. It is about texting and driving, and sometimes while i drive i like to text. This made me think about me texting and driving and if […]

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Mar 18 2009

3.18 Blog

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My Culture at the Crossroads starts off with showing evidence of where the article actually is and who wrote it.  It then goes into the views of author and how he sees his culture changing.  The concluding sentence of the introduction is the thesis where it state’s the author’s main issue. I think that in my […]

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Mar 16 2009

Blog Spring Break

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My spring break was pretty fun and interesting. I had to go home back to cleveland to work, and make money that i will have to use for the rest of the year at school. I got to hang out with my friends from back home, as well as my brother, and the rest of […]

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Mar 06 2009


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Portfolios in the past have worked out well for me.  I have had to do portfolios in many of the english classes i have taken in my life.  The ability to present all of your final work to see how you improved throughout the year is definitely something that is worth taking part in.

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Mar 04 2009

Blog PSA Literacy

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The video relates to literacy because it involves the internet and the computer.  The little girl goes into her room and signs onto the internet and then uses the instant messanger, this is a point of literacy.

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Mar 02 2009

PSA Reflection

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We have not recorded our video yet so there is not that much to talk about.  As a group we did decide that one of the storyboards was the best.  Although we all had similiar ideas about what we wanted to do, so picking one was really not that hard.  I’m excited to record the […]

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