Feb 25 2009

Computers in School

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I believe it is extremely important for there to be computers in school.  First of all, many jobs in these days in times are becoming more computer oriented.  Little things like filing papers is changing into filing data into computers.  It is imperative that children be taught with computers because they must be computer literate to survive and hold a good job these days.  Being able to type a letter or email on a computer is very important as well.  Many bosses and jobs will ask that you contact them through email for certain things.  Being able to type good letter and be computer literate in doing so, will help the child in many different times during life.  Our society is becoming more and more technologically advanced, and computers are really just the first step in a big explosion that i believe is going to occur.

Part 2: (travel companion on a train in Europe is the audience)

So you know how technology is changing very fast, well i think that computers are definitely needed for children in schools just for them to be able to keep up with how fast we are advancing.  Without computer knowledge how is this person going to be able to get and hold a job in 10 years? You know that computers are taking over the job market as it is, so in 10 years don’t you think that its going to be absolutely necessary for them to have computer knowledge?

2 responses so far

2 thoughts on “Computers in School

  1.   abremeron 25 Feb 2009 at 10:52 am

    You are very right about the technology always changing. You made a great point when you talked about getting in contact with the Boss. Email is growing daily and is a great contact for everyone, because it is very easy to read the email and get a response in seconds if you need it. Email is taking over phone calling or face-to-face conversation, therefore we need to start with teaching kids about technology early on in life so they can get used to what is up and coming.

  2.   bcottrion 25 Feb 2009 at 3:56 pm

    Nice job, Jon! Your two arguments clearly are to different audiences. While the first argument is probably less aware of audience or is geared towards me/your classmates or just more academic in nature, the second one really does sound like something you’d say to a travel companion. Awesome work!

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