Feb 18 2009


Published by under Uncategorized

Hm.  What roles do technology play in society?  I believe that technology is taking over society.  Human communication is becoming less and less important, as people could spend their whole lives at their house, if they have a job doing something on the internet.  As the human race has grown, our technology has grown exponentially along with it.  Just in recent years the technological advances have been amazing.  Because of the internet and now widespread communication throughout the world, knowledge on any subject can be passed along to other people very easily.  If each nation shares and contrasts it’s knowledge and technology with other nations, each nation will only grown faster and more advanced than ever.  The role that technology plays on literacy is that formal types of reading and writing are starting to become more and more obsolete, with advances in computers and such.  I think one of the biggest threats of our new technology is that nations are also advancing in weaponry, and soon someone will be able to extinguish if not half, but the whole world, if they wanted to.

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