Feb 06 2009

Ideal Audience Blog

Published by under Uncategorized

1. I would like an audience that reads young adult / adult books for this one, so that means any age over 15.

2. This audience i would like to be somewhat knowledgeable about world events.

3. Any college student could be the audience to this one.

4. Anyone that uses the internet for music could be the audience to this one.

5. People very familiar with the internet, and communicating with other people on the internet should be the audience for this one.

One response so far

One thought on “Ideal Audience Blog

  1.   bcottrion 08 Feb 2009 at 7:52 pm

    Ok, Jon. You seem to know who you want to write to, but now think about what you know about these groups of people and how you’ll best reach them (that’s the tricky part!).

    Nice work.

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