Feb 05 2009

Five Topics

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1. Reading David Edding’s Series that got me into books.  This fantasy series was very long and i became quite addicted to the story line.  I spent much time, hours and hours, reading these books at a young age.  Still to this day i pick up his books and read them.

2. The Richard Wurmbrand Story book.  This story is about a priest who was tortured by communists and imprisoned for over 10 years.  It affected my life greatly and made me think a lot deeper about the world.

3. Soulseek Music Downloading Program.  This is the first program i used to start downloading music, it really helped me delve deaper into music because it gave the ability to look into other people’s folders and find new stuff to download.  I would not be listening to 3/4th the artists i listen to today if it wasn’t for this program

4. Internet Downloading Blogs.  Hip hop blogs have tons of stuff on them like reviews and album downloads.  They help me keep in touch with what is going on in the underground hip-hop world.  And i spend a lot of time on them daily, and have been for a few years now.

5. Online Hip Hop Forums.  I got into hiphop forums after getting into soulseek, i spent many years on them and it was a good way to congregate with a lot of underground heads and talk about the music.

All of these have affected my life greatly, and i think i could do a paper on each.

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