Archive for February, 2009

Feb 25 2009

Computers in School

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I believe it is extremely important for there to be computers in school.  First of all, many jobs in these days in times are becoming more computer oriented.  Little things like filing papers is changing into filing data into computers.  It is imperative that children be taught with computers because they must be computer literate […]

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Feb 23 2009

PSA Criteria

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First of all, it should have a clear message to the audience.  Second, it should have some matieral, an example, or information that is used to help the audience understand this message. The PSA should be a video or audio. It should’ve been worked on by all the members of the group. It should have […]

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Feb 23 2009

Three Ideas for PSA

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Quit Smoking! -audience is all smokers -video Steriods Destroy Your Body -audience is weight lifters -video Life is Precious (anti-abortion) -audience is everyone -video

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Feb 18 2009


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Hm.  What roles do technology play in society?  I believe that technology is taking over society.  Human communication is becoming less and less important, as people could spend their whole lives at their house, if they have a job doing something on the internet.  As the human race has grown, our technology has grown exponentially […]

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Feb 16 2009

Blog on peer review.

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Peer review has not helped me too much in the past.  Because of my extensive amount of writing i’ve had to do in grade school and then high school, i tend to not take peer help too strongly.  I do not do this on purpose, but that is just usually how it happens.  I know […]

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Feb 13 2009

Monster Blog

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What i have drawn is a long snake-like monster, but the head is more like an evil frog head.  The eyes are yellow and the head is green.  The teeth are long and sharp and the tail twists back just like a snakes would.

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Feb 11 2009

Pick a Rhetorical Appeal

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Pathos It is the appeal that the rhetor uses in an attempt to draw on the audience’s emtions, these emotions include love, hate, pity, sorrow, happiness, and so on. This video appeals to Pathos greatly, it is Sarah McLachlan’s animal cruelty groups video. In Atwood’s sample narrative an example of Pathos is when the […]

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Feb 09 2009

2/9 Blog

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A good literacy narrative should- Be an event, not something that you’ll have to write about using your whole life. Should tell a story. Should be appealing to the audience. Should involve a type of literacy

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Feb 06 2009

Language In Other’s Mouths

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I think this excerpt and reading is very correct.  The language around us when we are born is what we are going to percieve and it will help us communicate and view the world the way that certain culture does.  I think later in your life when you are more mature and have been around […]

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Feb 06 2009

Ideal Audience Blog

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1. I would like an audience that reads young adult / adult books for this one, so that means any age over 15. 2. This audience i would like to be somewhat knowledgeable about world events. 3. Any college student could be the audience to this one. 4. Anyone that uses the internet for music […]

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