Jan 30 2009


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Ok well in class I told my reading group my idea about my visual narrative.  They thought it was a good idea, and said it was cute.  I think this is a good building block to where i am going to go with my project.  I showed them just an outline without any pictures and they said it was a good idea so that is a good sign.  I think that once i put the outline into a powerpoint i will come up with even more ideas.  I hope that i can put music into powerpoints though because i have one main song that i want to put into it.  Also finding pictures is going to be fun because my visual narrative is somewhat humorous at times.  I’m not sure how much longer i want to make it but right now it’s not a bad size.  The song i want to put in my powerpoint is off of an EP called Daedelus – The Quiet Party, although it is not produced by Daedelus it is produced by Madlib who remixes some of the tracks on the EP, the actual song is called Madlib Bonus Beats.  I think it would provide a perfect loungy background to my visual narrative.  I have not mentioned it yet but my Visual Narrative is about Books and how they have affected my life and how are they are still affecting my life.  I am mainly going to be focusing on the numerous distractions i have in my life that stop me from opening up a book.

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