Jan 30 2009

Blog Post of Progress

Published by under Uncategorized

Well right now i am working on my visual narrative.  I’m pretty positive i’m going to do a powerpoint, but i do wish that i knew how to make movies online because i would definitely do that.  I wrote up an outline of what the text might say for my visual narrative, and now i must find some pictures to put into the powerpoint.  Other than that i think i’m up to date on everything else in this class.

One response so far

One thought on “Blog Post of Progress

  1.   Brittanyon 01 Feb 2009 at 10:01 am

    Remember, Jon, that you can make your Power Point loop so that it runs a bit more like a movie or you can set it up so each slide progresses automatically without the entire thing looping repeatedly. You can find more about this here:



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