Jan 25 2009

Reading Question

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Do i think that the internet is not really reading? Do i think that the internet is dumbing down our society?

No.  I believe that because of the changing times and technology, the human race was inevitably going to rely more on machines to do more work for us, and we will rely more on them in the future.  I think that a lot of older folk are afraid of what they do not understand, for one many elderly or middle-aged people do not completely understand how to use the internet yet.  Therefore it is easier to just say that its dumbing down our society than it is to actually see the good things it has done.  And i think the best results from the internet is the widespread knowledge that was never ever available like this at your finger-tips.  It makes us wiser as a whole, and could help stop bad things that are going on in the world or help to prevent them.

One response so far

One thought on “Reading Question

  1.   bcottrion 26 Jan 2009 at 8:23 am


    I like how you not only asked the question but answered it too 🙂 I would agree that we read when we’re on the Internet, but that perhaps there are differences between what we read, how we read, etc. I think that the reading from earlier this semester about Google makes a good point that we reading online makes people want to get right to the point these days, but I wonder really how much this has changed from past generations.

    Nice work.

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