Archive for January, 2009

Jan 30 2009


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Ok well in class I told my reading group my idea about my visual narrative.  They thought it was a good idea, and said it was cute.  I think this is a good building block to where i am going to go with my project.  I showed them just an outline without any pictures and […]

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Jan 30 2009

Blog Post of Progress

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Well right now i am working on my visual narrative.  I’m pretty positive i’m going to do a powerpoint, but i do wish that i knew how to make movies online because i would definitely do that.  I wrote up an outline of what the text might say for my visual narrative, and now i […]

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Jan 26 2009

Good Visual Narrative?

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According to the examples that we saw in class, i think a good visual narrative is one that not only is informative but also tells a little story.  Music seems to be somewhat important, and as much action as you can put into the piece to make it interesting.  A bad visual narrative is one […]

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Jan 25 2009

Reading Question

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Do i think that the internet is not really reading? Do i think that the internet is dumbing down our society? No.  I believe that because of the changing times and technology, the human race was inevitably going to rely more on machines to do more work for us, and we will rely more on […]

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Jan 23 2009

Visuals Blog

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We use visuals to help aid what we are trying to communicate to the audience Visuals are vital in communication because they help form what is trying to be communicated better. Visuals are important to my daily life because all day we look at signs, especially on the road, that help us to both navigate […]

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Jan 16 2009

Literacy Acts

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During the week i do the following of these literary acts- -Texting on the phone -Talking on the phone -Speaking to people -Using Aol Instant Messanger -Posting on Forums -Writing Homework -Reading Homework

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Jan 14 2009

Introductory Blog

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1. I expect to hopefully pass this class, and be closer to graduating 2. I understand literacy as being able to read or write a certain langauge 3. We write because it spreads knowledge throughout the world. Chyeaaaaa. -Jon

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