Chapter 8

Chapter 8 begings by stating, “Schools face challenges that are unique to their district, city, and region and must address their local constituency’s concerns all the time. In addition, there are some universal or systemic issues that all schools must consider and respond to through their programs, activities, and professional development….considering technology especially Web 2.0 tools” I understood this as all schools have different issues and achievements that others cannot relate to so it is unfair to generalize all school, but at the end of the day most schools have some common attribute that brings them all together.

I found it interesting that the chapter stated that students with disabilities have a greater need for accessing technology than do their non-disabled peers. This is especially true for students that have physical or sensory impairments that may need a computer to keep up with their peers. Also, students with learning disabilities can use podcasts to help their personal learning schedule.

Another interesting point was authentic assessment using Web 2.0 tools. It can be something simple like downloading an e-portfolio online to see the students skills and how they have progressed. Also, I liked the assessment where students can interview with people who have a  career that the student is interested in. The career professional can take students on virtual walkthroughs of their daily routine at work.  Students can than learn from the professional and evaluate what they would like to do.  Having students connect with professionals to mentor them will help the student choose a career path and help them excel above their peers.

3 thoughts on “Chapter 8

  1. mdonald Said:

    on November 8, 2010 at 11:12 am   Reply

    As the demographic of the general classroom is changing it is more important than ever that we know how to utilize the web 2.0 tools to better serve our students. I agree with the authors in that students with disabilities do have a greater need for technology and we need to know how to incorporate that into their learning.

  2. ferguse Said:

    on November 8, 2010 at 4:41 pm   Reply

    I agree that authentic assessment with technology is a great idea, because it is what the students will be working with in the real world!

  3. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on November 12, 2010 at 10:30 am   Reply

    Remember this statement: “Schools face challenges that are unique to their district, city, and region and must address their local constituency’s concerns all the time” and I am hoping to have an administrator speak to the class so you can ask this question. Yes, technology has provided better access for special needs students. Interview is also a great idea like you stated.

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