Education Podcast-Student Athletes

I loved this Podcast. I found it on U.S. News and World Report. The report talked to a college basketball player and how he juggles all of his obligations with school and with basketball. These athletes go nonstop from class, to practice, to doing homework. A lot of the time they are traveling for road games which can make it extremely difficult to do homework. The athlete said a lot of the teachers treat you like a regular student and expect you to get things done when the rest of the class does. This podcast really shows that school and homework are not the only two things going on in the students’ lives. Homework has to be realistic for all students to complete.

One thought on “Education Podcast-Student Athletes

  1. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on September 19, 2010 at 7:22 pm   Reply

    Some good points to remember when you teach and have athletes in your classes.

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