chapter four

Chapter four was very interesting.  It described different ways that teachers in different subject areas use web tools in their classes. I would have never thought of some of these ideas! It shows how creativity is a big part of teaching. When students can do something new, exciting, and different; it becomes more interesting and students are more willing to work on the assignment. Also, when you allow students to use their creativity, they put more effort into the assignment and they are more likely to remember the content. I’ve never heard of Wiki or Flickr so those were very interesting to read about. They would be very beneficial in the classroom. One of the other big things I got from this chapter is that it is important to use other resources for assignments. It is unrealistic to think you can do everything on your own. It helps to find different supporting materials for student learning online!

3 thoughts on “chapter four

  1. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on September 19, 2010 at 2:45 pm   Reply

    Your statement “It is unrealistic to think you can do everything on your own. It helps to find different supporting materials for student learning online!” is exactly why you will create a Personal Learning Network Plan in this class. You can’t do it all or keep up on all the technology and strategies available.

  2. ashtonc Said:

    on September 19, 2010 at 9:55 pm   Reply


    Creativity is a strong and important word today. I find that creatvitiy shows some of people’s individuality. Students in the same manner desire to show their indivituality. Excellent work in describing the use of allowing the students to let their creativity shine in hoping for an enjoyable learning atmosphere. I always found that when I was allowed to be creative and come up with my own project outcome, I wanted to work harder. I know this is not true for everyone, but your blog is true, students need to be allowed to use their creative minds.

  3. Sarah Said:

    on September 20, 2010 at 9:10 am   Reply

    It is very true that we are not able to everything on our own. It is great that we have these resources to help us out. Also, we need to pass these resources to our students too!

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