Chapter 9

I found the beginning of the chapter extremely interesting.  Especially the statement that education should be run like the web-based software sites.  When you buy something off Amazon it will also give you roughly 3 options that you may also like or find interesting based off of other people that also purchased that book and other similar ones.  The book suggest with this type of an educational system, teachers will serve as an informational guides for student learning. 

I also found it interesting that the book suggest that instead of having textbooks, students use Wiki books.  I agree that it would obviously cut down on carrying around large bookbags, but what about those without internet access?  The book suggest that instead of using the cost of producing books, that cost be used to provide technology to others.  It also says it will change the way we do assignments now.  Instead of reading a chapter and answering questions, students would read and justify the text.

Finally, it seems like the classroom is ever changing.  Teachers have to find new ways to keep students interested  while managing the classroom. The chapter ends by discussing new classrooms with web 2.0 capabilities. Even from the time I was in junior high and high school, many things in the educational system have changed. It will be amazing to see what will change next.

2 thoughts on “Chapter 9

  1. Sarah Said:

    on November 20, 2010 at 1:04 pm   Reply

    It is really interesting that you bring up the point of having classroom become like web-based software sites. I do like the features on similar items or books like you gave in your example. I think that would be great for teachers for resources.

  2. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on November 22, 2010 at 10:27 pm   Reply

    I’m sure the publishers may worry too about the use of textbooks. It’s their bread and butter. Then again, they may publish wikis online and available at a minimal cost to educators as opposed to teachers creating their own. Or it could be a district-wide initiative.

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