Archive for November, 2010

A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

This article was very interesting. For a business classroom, you could reenact this experience through googlereader. For example, the students can subscribe to different business blogs, sites, news, or magazine sites in order to find current events or topics of interest to present to the class in a blog. Students could also work as a […]

Chapter 9

I found the beginning of the chapter extremely interesting.  Especially the statement that education should be run like the web-based software sites.  When you buy something off Amazon it will also give you roughly 3 options that you may also like or find interesting based off of other people that also purchased that book and […]

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 begings by stating, “Schools face challenges that are unique to their district, city, and region and must address their local constituency’s concerns all the time. In addition, there are some universal or systemic issues that all schools must consider and respond to through their programs, activities, and professional development….considering technology especially Web 2.0 […]