Chapter 7

Copyright and legal issues can be huge when it comes to technology.  At a school, teachers and administrators must keep a close eye to avoid problems. One of the biggest points I’ve learned from this chapter begins with the 5 steps to avoid copyright problems. Step 1-create and implement a technology policy that includes a code of ethics and set of procedures. Step 2- Review the entire policy with your educational community: students, teachers, and parents. Step 3-Appoint a technology manager to conduct audits and maintain a log of licenses and registration materials. Step 4- Teach ethical and legal behavior for technology use and finally step 5- Thank employees and students for supporting these steps.

Another thing I found interesting was the parent involvement with online safety. It seems like video games and the Internet almost act as a babysitter for some parents so it is great to see some are taking action.  According to a survey 55% of parents install software to limit or block their child’s activities, 74% set time limits on Internet use, 75% confine home Internet to where the parent can see it, 82% monitor the Internet activity, and 88% talk about how to use the Internet.

Educating students on how to use Internet appropriately is very important. If they are not told about certain things, its unfair for use to assume it is common knowledge. They may not know how dangerous the Internet is until they are told about it .

6 thoughts on “Chapter 7

  1. lininga Said:

    on October 24, 2010 at 10:21 pm   Reply

    You bring up a good point about the copyrighting steps needing to be followed and taught to our students. Copyrights are something many ignore within our society now. The point you made about the computer now being the babysitter is sad, but true. That is why parental involvement on this issue is extremely important.

  2. ferguse Said:

    on October 25, 2010 at 2:39 pm   Reply

    I agree with you and Mandi that those five steps are important for us to use in the future. With the parent involvement I believe we can help a little, but just inform them of the issues.

  3. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on October 27, 2010 at 5:01 pm   Reply

    One would think most schools have a student code of conduct that addresses copyright. However, I’ve found students don’t fully understand the verbiage so it does need to be addressed in technology classes.

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